History of Yoga

History of Yoga

History of Yoga Development

Yoga means the classical Yoga system as set forth by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras. Patañjali taught an eightfold (aṣṭaṇga) system of Yoga emphasizing an integral spiritual development including ethical disciplines (Yama and Niyama), postures (Asana), breathing exercises (Praṇayama), control of the senses (Pratyahara), concentration (Dharaṇa), meditation (Dhyana) and absorption (Samadhi). This constitutes a complete and integral system of spiritual training.

The main Yoga schools worldwide are classified as 4 schools, under which is sub yoga schools or traditions, they are;

1. Traditional Yoga : Hatha yoga , Ashtanga Viniyasa Yoga, Iyengar Yoga , Sivananda Yoga etc

2. Spiritual Yoga: Raja Yoga , Bakhti Yoga, Gyan Yoga etc.

3. Competitive Yoga: Competitive Yoga , recently recognized as an Asian Game by OCA and using the 3rd element of Patanjali Yoga Sutras as competitive sports with respect and refrence to yoga philosophy following codes of conducts in Yoga Philosophy like Yama & Niyama.

4. Yoga Therapy: Rehabilitation yoga which allows people with health issues to practice yoga and benefit from it with a yoga therapist, a yoga teacher who is trained and qualified through specific programs to handle the cases and make yoga more accessible and inclusive of society members like elders, special needs and chronic disease people to enjoy the practice of yoga safely. There are special organizations for accreditations of yoga therapy programs.

Yoga has been part of man’s activities directed towards higher spiritual achievements in India. The history of Yoga is divided into five categories:

  • Vedic period

  • Pre-classical period

  • Yoga in Medieval Times

  • Yoga in Modern Times

  • Classical period

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